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Blues Up Your Next Event with Blind Man Blues

Blues Up Your Next Event with Blind Man Blues

Feb 28, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Does your next event require an excellent blues band to please your ticket holders? If so, look no further than the band Blind Man Blues. With spicy Southern charm and a sound that will make all listeners feel like they belong to the music, you cannot go wrong at your event with this band.

The Blind Man Blues Experience

One of the reasons why Blind Man Blues is so popular as a band is because of their ability to create blues music that belongs to everyone. All people know what it feels like to have the blues, although historically it was created by man blind, black players living in the South and attempting to earn their keep. There were probably so many blind blues players rocking venues early on because one does not need to be able to see to both sing and play guitar. Furthermore, if one had an excellent singing voice and sound, he or she could earn enough to make a living on.

The Historical Covers of Blind Man Blues

Blind Man Blues, as a band, pays tribute to this historical feel of the blues, playing covers written by the likes of Rev. Gary Davis, Ray Charles, Blind Boy Fuller, Blind Willie Johnson, Sleepy John Estes, Blind Willie McTell, Blind Blake, Blind Lemon Jefferson, and others. The songs Blind Man Blues produces help to remind us about how the early blues became commercial, and what talent and struggle existed behind early blues music.

To hear the blues the way it was meant to be played, let your ticket buyers hear Blind Man Blues at your next event. Blind Man Blues will help remind your attendees of how blues should be experienced, both emotionally and financially, and also demonstrate how hearing the musical blues can help cure one’s internal blues.

For more information on bands like Blind Man Blues or to read up on other events, stick with us at Eventcombo. Here at Eventcombo, we not only provide you with the latest information on events, but we also give you the option to sell your tickets online through our website.

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